What is C.L.A.Y. and how does the Davis Approach work?
C.L.A.Y. uses The Davis Approach because it’s simple, uncomplicated, fun and useful.
C.L.A.Y. is an acronym meaning Creative Learning About Yourself. Through the implementation of the Davis Approach method, clients bring meaning to words and numbers (learning) and life concepts (living). Enabling clients to unlock their learning potential about themselves and how they learn. In the areas of Dyslexia, Attention Deficit, Dyscalculia (maths), Dyspraxia (coordination) and Autism. C.L.A.Y. understands and nurtures the diverse ways people learn irrespective of age.
Neurodiverse people often experience distortions in perception. Disorientation occurs when the eyes are not seeing or the ears are not hearing exactly what is in front of them. It is not a problem with eyes or ears, but rather the way that the brain interprets the information from the sensory organs.
The Davis Approach is a refreshing pressure-free approach, giving the visual thinker or feeler, time and space to understand how they think and see the world first. It taps into their own personal strengths to create a simple, effective experiential way to learn.