Davis Methods teach a visual and meaning based approach that is much easier than with traditional instruction.
There are no phonics, which is slow progress and torcher for a person who relies on their picture base thinking and sensory impressions rather than sounding out words.
The Davis method does not employ repetition or drill. It is based on mastery - Knowing what something means, something looks like and something sounds like. Students are given tools that enable them to master the symbol and concepts that are part of learning. Once mastered the information is understood inherently and the student does not need to practice or review.
The Davis method does not rely on colour overlays or large print books. Dyslexia is a developmental learning problem that affects the way that individuals process information. It is not a result of problems with vision or hearing. While some physical devices may seem to make reading or writing easier, the use of such devices does not help the dyslexic student to function normally.
Dyslexic students do often experience distortions in perception, but these problems are a caused by mental disorientation. It is not a problem with eyes or ears, but rather the way that the brain interprets the input from the sensory organs. No matter if it is Dyslexia, Attention Deficit, Dyscalculia (maths), Dyspraxia (balance). These all have the same underlying effect when confused ...Disorientation when the eyes and ears are not seeing exactly what is in front of them.
With the Davis approach, students learn to recognize disorientation when it occurs, and learn simply techniques to reorient themselves so that they can maintain mental focus and accurately perceive print on a page.
The Davis method does not rely on medications or herbal treatments. The main focus is to take control of their own learning, mental focus, and energy level. Since dyslexia is not a disease or a psychiatric ailment, medications will not address the underlying problem, and will only tend to hinder the student’s ability to learn.