Davis Maths Mastery
Davis Maths Mastery provides tools to correct problems learning maths. These learning problems are sometimes called dyscalculia and can often accompany dyslexia and ADHD symptoms.
The Davis approach goes to the root issues that cause some people to have problems understanding and learning maths with traditional teaching methods. Visual-spatial thinkers and feelers are often confused by the words and symbols which describe maths functions. When the foundation concepts for understanding all mathematics are mastered, learning math becomes easy.
Like Davis Dyslexia Correction®, the first step in Davis Maths Mastery is to enable children and adults to control disorientation. Once students can be sure that their perceptions are accurate, they can resolve any confusions about maths with methods that build upon their creative and imaginative strengths.
The length of a Davis Math Mastery program varies, depending on the needs of the individual. Usually, the Facilitator will schedule 5 to 8 days.
Davis Math Mastery programs address:
Foundation concepts for understanding and learning maths
Numbers, numerals, quantities, and counting
Place value
Arithmetic operations
Fractions and decimals
Word problem comprehension
Learning math facts like basic addition or times tables
Telling time or keeping track of time
Reading or using a calendar
Making change
Sequencing and Logic
Basic outline of a Davis Maths Mastery Program:
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment and Symptoms Profile Interview
Davis Orientation Counseling®
Mastery of basic language symbols, as needed
Introduction to Davis Symbol Mastery®
Mastery of the foundation concepts underlying all mathematics: Change, Cause-Effect, Before-After, Consequence, Time, Sequence, and Order vs. Disorder
Symbol Mastery practice on Story Problem Trigger Words: For example the word “by.” The common meaning in everyday language would be “close to.” There are two separate meanings which must be mastered for accurate comprehension in math — for multiplication the meaning would be “using as a multiplier,” and for division the meaning would be “into groups of.”
Davis Maths Function Exercises: Twelve exercises which quickly lead to competency with dividing three-place numbers including decimals
Comprehension practice reading story problems, as needed
Symbol Mastery on Key glossary words of math text book, if needed
Results Assessment Interview
Support training for teachers, tutors, parents and helpers
A Student Backpack Kit with a manual and materials necessary for successful follow-up to the program (Follow up consists of mastering the meanings of 21 “trigger words” which describe maths functions)
Used with Permission From Dyslexia the Gift web site, © Davis Dyslexia Association International
Photography by C.L.A.Y. Learning