How your own Davis Program will look.
What is involved with the program
First step - and the most important, is determining if you have the motivation to change your learning pattern.
We do that through an initial consultation where you find out about us and we find out about what learning challenges you are facing, as well as what you want to improve on. During this consultation you will establish your own goals, or those of your child.
During the initial consultation we do a short reading session. Then a perceptual ability assessment to understand how your picture thinking or feeling works.
This initial consultation takes around 1 to 1.5hrs, and please note, there is no cost involved with this initial consultation.
Second step - is to schedule your tailored Davis Correction Program. This is an intensive one-on-one, one-week program which normally runs Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, with a lunch hour from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm each day. That’s 30 hours in total, but can vary, depending on the needs of the client.
Third step – On the last day of the Davis Correction program, Celeste will train the people who will support the client’s on-going work of symbol mastery. Those people might be family members, friends or workmates, and they will help the client master the entire list of ‘trigger’ words (words with no pictures). This can be completed in short tutoring sessions over several months. It’s important to note that although, very often, significant improvements are made during the week of the Correction Program itself, mastering all the trigger words must be successful to fully benefit the client’s learning.
Fourth step – three consolidation sessions of 1-2 hours in the couple of months following the program. Celeste will also follow up with on-going phone support.
C.L.A.Y. understands and respects that each person has different needs, challenges and personal goals. The program is one-on-one, and tailored to meet the specific challenges of the individual client.